Ironman Triathlon Distance

Ironman triathlons require athletes to cover 140.6 miles:
swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, and running 26.2 miles - all in less than 17 hours.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Another Week Closer

I could tell a difference this week in my stamina. I never got to the point where I felt physically tired during the late week workouts like I did the past two weeks. The one minor setback I had was on my run Saturday morning. I began to feel a little bit of pain in my left hip that was nothing bad enough to stop, but it did remain sore the rest of the day. As a precaution I decided to skip my second workout on Saturday and both on Sunday. I probably could have done the Sunday workouts but wanted to play it safe. Mondays are normally my rest day, so the two days off should be enough to recover from whatever my hip was complaining about. I just wanted to make sure that I take care of it early so it doesn't become a lingering issue for weeks to come. This next week is my last base-building week before the distances start to increase, and I'm really looking forward to my next race in two weeks so I can tell how much these last few weeks have helped me improve.

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